As a result of the devastating impact of Hurricanes Irma and Maria, a majority of the vegetation, infrastructure and facilities have been destroyed. The Category 4 and 5 winds also brought a significant amount of debris to the shores of the beach.
In partnership with Foundation for a Better Puerto Rico, Para la Naturaleza, Expedia, and others, Hispanic Federation is supporting the rehabilitation of Flamenco Beach (Playa Flamenco), which is essential for Culebra to once again be a top destination for local and foreign tourists.
Over 700,000 tourists visit this amazing public beach annually, making Flamenco Beach the most important economic engine for the residents of Culebra. The project aims to work in reforestation and building green infrastructure and facilities at the beach.
Once the project is complete, the municipality of Culebra and the Autoridad de Conservación y Desarrollo de Culebra (ACDEC) commit to maintaining the facilities and infrastructure for the next 20 years. They also commit to maintaining Flamenco’s Blue Flag beach international distinction. The Master Plan includes:
• Clean the beach of debris
• Reforest the green areas, including the campground
• Construction of public bathrooms and showers
• Construction of new kiosks
• Administration office
• Visitors Center
• First aid station
• Improvements to the roads and parking area
• Improvements to the camping areas
• Development of green walking areas
• Recycling center
• Use of renewable energy, including solar
• Collection of rain water
Postcards from Playa Flamenco
Latest update from playa flamenco
Continúa la restauración de playa Flamenco
Organizaciones sin fines de lucro rescatan a Culebra